sexta-feira, 29 de julho de 2011

returned from the WPBT Winter Classic.

Casino Backlink MF9EPGXYU49A I just returned from the WPBT Winter Classic. As a fringe member of this fabulous group of poker, I can only say I want to be a full-time part of it as soon as possible. Out of Ignorance and restraint, I put too much emphasis on getting to Vegas on a budget and doing well in the tournament. Both were the resource persons VERY wrong choices. Since I drove 6 hours to get there, i had to leave at lunch on Sunday. What a shame, Because I really missed an extra day to just hang out with some of the alley.

It was Such a pleasure, but I am not going to post any details as of yet, Because I have some great audio bits I want to edit and shoot to Lord Admiral for the weekly poker podcast. (Man, if you STILL do not listen to that, how do you call yourself a poker player?-See links). I have not even decided what I can use yet, as I have not Heard all the levels, but suffice it to say That if I got it all, it's a rollercoaster ride of fun.

I Will not bother with the bloggers results, as I know Pauly and CJ were the resource persons all over That and have solid notes on the field, the final table and the results. Instead, I Will chronicle just myself and Mrs. Columbo, the which turn outs to be more interesting That it seems a.

BUT, there is a complaint I need to log with my community bloggers. For the first time EVER, I lost my entire bankroll. My bankroll for any trip is two full buy-ins. I have never Had to "weather out the swings", "go home broke", or even leave a casino down more than a single buy-in. But Saturday night at the late hour, I donked off two full buy ins. And I did it while having the time of my life and running into monsters. I first sit down and watch the set over set or sets and figures I was lucky That I was not in hand. F-Train was not so lucky. But later, my straight Pls got boated on the river, and then the same guy sucked out a 4 flush on my set, I was down 1 buy in already. I finally ended my misery Pls my KK ran into AA and his Drizz. It was a LONG walk back to the hotel with mixed emotions. Then I realized, I Should Blame all the bloggers for creating Such a circus of fun, that I donked off my bankroll. (Yes, That it was fun. But for details, listen to Lord Admiral. What They Do not use, I Will post.)

Like I said, I have SO much more to say, but I want to Hear the tape first. Special thanks to the Rootster ( Who is going to hook me up with more knowledge 8OB Omaha. Assuming I get off tilt donkey from my worst night ever on Saturday.

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